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My Mom Had Another Stroke, Scary History Repeats It's Self!!!

Yeah you heard right. she attend to had another one. but took place in a hospital on Thursday March 10th, 2016 during a check up with the doctors in there. But something didn't seem right to them all the sudden. They figuring she might be having a stroke. According to my mom's records somehow they knew that's what's happening. There is a shot they can give to a stroke victim right away to fight the batale of it winning completely. But she may have the slur speech again still. But I got 2 calls about around 10 or 11 in the morning. 1 from the nursing home and 1 from the hospital. But I didn't return any of the calls right away. I checked with the director of the nursing home who is friends with my brother and me. Sense I was afraid to return any of the calls he checked for me at the nursing home. But that's when I found out it happen's to be another stroke. I was afraid to return the calls because I was afraid it was bad news .. The very .. very bad news. I'm just so glad it wasn't. But than I did return one of the calls which was a guy who left a message on my answer machine from the hospital with a phone number # to contact him back on. So I called him instead of the nursing home sense my mom is at the hospital. To get the info I needed. He told me it was a mini stroke. But there where a test done on her to confirm it. It came back showing that it was a mini stroke or possible mini strokes in her brain more than one. Could of been do to stress ? or getting upset ? I don't or have no idea if ether was the caused of it. But there may of been some fluid in my mom's brain that could of been the cause. I got a call from the hospital today but miss it. I guess I was sleeping. It was on the caller Id though. That's how I knew. But that's ok though. They called my brother. It was a nurse that called him though just to informed him with the test results. Showing not just 1 but more than 1 stroke appearing in her brain. May of been do like I said. From some fluid in her brain. To know a sign of a stroke is falling over on the one side whatever side it might be. Left or right whatever. That's one sign to look for when a stroke happens. I'll keep you all informed though if any cnanges occured within my mom's well being. If anybody reads this. Thank you! for your support. your respect. and god bless.

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