I Had Too Give away 2 Good Cats With No Choice in the Matter Which I So Miss Now and Never Be Able T
It was last week when I had to give them away Wednesday the 6th of January 2016. my dad was over there that day when I had to do that I wish there was a way out to keeping me from making that hard decision. But I guess life can fall apart in mutiple ways depending on the kind of sitations your in. But life can be good one day than gone sour the next. My had that stroke. The 2 cats names are Thumper that's the mother and the little one in front of the mother is the baby Bunny. There were 3 more of them but was gaven away by me and my mom at the beginning of november in 2014. It was at the spca we gave them to. We had all 4 babies there all together but we decide to keep one of them Bunny. And someone came to pick them up that wednesday last week. We had arangements for her to pick them the week before but she cancel and changed it for last week. but ever sense before than we were keeping contact by email until she can come and get them. I list it the 2 cats on craigslist. Evenually the listing exspired which I didn't knew that yet until I logged in. So I repost the listing. Not too long after I finally got a response from a young lady which is who came to get them. She seem nice but I just hope they are in good hands until they get their permitted homes. Hopefully thay will go together. We could of took them to the spca but the way that place works or the way their screwed up. Once you hand over pets to them they will not tell you if they have got homes or not. I want to check her cardials but don't no way of how to go by doing that and we were in the rush to getting out from the apartment and from the building. So we can now focus on my mom's belongings before that ends up on the street. But the cats though the lady who has them now said she'll email pictures of them from their temporary homes and keep update how their doing until she gives them homes. I trust and believe her. I don't want to have bad doubts about her. I just don't want to feel that I had made a mistake given the 2 cats to someone that turn's out to have other agenda for them. Something horrible I don't want to think about. But this is a weird thing though. After I hand the cats over to her that she gave me to put them in. She gave my brother, my dad and me a hug. None of us didn't even know her that well I mean hugs are dreat sometimes but handing over the cats to someone and don't even know if she is on the level or not. I'm just having to many scary thoughts about it. She said she will send pictures but something smells very fishy though. She sends text to my brother's phone the next day say she has a new cell and she doesn't know how to get the photos into the computer so she can upload them into an email so she said she will wait for boyfriend or husband tonight which was that night she said who will help her out with the camera phone. Than which than eventually I got another email from her saying that her boyfriend came back late and that he took a look at the phone and he couldn't figure it out ether. I think it's all becoming total bullshit now. I got no more emails sense last week now. I'm just having or getting this bad feeling that she may not be on the level. I don't want to feel that I wish I was a special invastigator to know if she is for real about loving animals that she works with those who deals in animals or pets or she is just one of those who hands out fake stories so they can just get the pets in their hands. Someone who will do something to them that will turn your stomache. And believe me I don't want to think about something like that and want to accused the lady for something like that or something so horrible you just can't explaine the shocking events she may of done or happened. She seem ver convincing that she loves pets but the question is does she love cats ? or in another way ? I'm sorry but me and my mom are Very .. Very .. Very Skeptical of who we hand over I would say animals but we mostly get cats so I will just stick with cats. But very skeptical of who we hand over cats too. So if this woman never email's me back again or at leased send pictures of them than all I will ever think about is if my gut feeling is right all along. And the young lady who took them isn't all as who she seems to be. She said she's from kentucky but that's what she said. But the cats though are they doing all right ? and the other thing I don't want to say but or dead ? I guess we will never know the answer to that question will we ? For now until this day all remains a mystery.