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Senior Chateau, The Bad Leaks .. That is One of the Disaster Nightmares That Goes There!!!

The leakage I now told .. Well I sort of told a lot about what goes on there or on youtube by videos and showing in some with the nasty things that goes on there. I now show the video leakage which is also one of the videos featured on youtube. This video was tapped in the cafeteria but that is not the only places that happens at. As a matter of fact it's all over the building in the apartments as well. That is part of the shit that will turn your stomach. The building has bed bugs and roaches too of course yes it does. But more than that and the water leakages. I pretty much topped everything off with explaining most of everything I that I know over and over again .. So just let's leave it at that. The building is just a total wreak. You half to be there or leave there to know it. it's just easy as that .. Pretty much what I said. So check out the video see if I'm telling the truth. But what I seen was water leakage. Was that an Imagination ? Because what I seen and tapped sure looks good and real to me. That's what I and millions had to put up with everyday in that twisted sick hellish good for nothing building. Now I ask this question do I lie about something like that ? So .. Ok .. Than. There's no more to say just to see what I now call hideous building gone to pot. It's amazing isn't it ? Well knock your selves out with the video. I'm out for now. Unless otherwise I may return with more of where that came from. Within info of course. When it comes to telling truth about the Senior Chateau from hell. Brian's truth / PK Management and the rental office manager is lies.

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