People Use People .. But for What Purpose ?
Well that pretty much sums up to that question. But if not let me be clear enough to explain. People use people and that is true. It's an actual written fact of truth. But the purpose of using other people is to get what we want. But not I and not some. It's just a matter of speech. It's the selfish ones who gets what they want. And desperatly at it too. But how far will they go ? Will they ever stop ? not likely. But if they can't get what they want from one person. They'll go to the next one and try again. And what exactly the users who use people want ? Well among a lot of things like making them do things unwilling that is not on their own terms. frequently and forcefully. And not letting them do things on their own time. Not being abled to hang out with friends. Doing things with your own family. Buying things for your own family. Especially around the hollidays .. It gets pretty crazy around than. Not just people using people such as friends but girlfriends using guys. boyfriends using women. It goes etherway. But that's bassically where I'm going with this at too. Upsetting friends Especially family disapointing the family can be such a bitch. But just let's say I have a little experience in that department. It's the hell with your family buy me this .. buy that. It's Christmas time spend time with me only and the hell with everybody else. Just stuck in her or his world. Can't push that person away. But it takes lots of courage and smartness to do that. And also another thing is wrong is trying to get that person who her or him is attached to trying to get them to get money out from their own family. Or by making them lie to their own family to get it. Especially around Christmas time they get very intense and desperate to get what they want than too. And speaking of. Christmas is just around the corner now too. That's what I believe we call the silly season or should I say the silly season for greedy assholes lol I'm I just had to say that And the year has gone by pretty fast again too. But becareful though when hooking up with people you just never know who your going to to be screwed over by. It's that obvious isn't it ? How the people users prey on the waek. They find someone eventually who doesn't stand up to them. I guess you can say that I said a mouth full. But Yeah you're probably right I had. Just got to know who the good guys or the enimeies are. Using somebody and not meant it. Is got to be the most eager selfish bitter low life rat just to go out all for their selves to hurt someone who is just looking for to be normal friends or love regarding in that kind of relactionships. Nobody wants to live their lives as drags upside down like like that. That's cold and un called for something like that. How about if it was reversed back at to those who do such things like that. Wouldn't feel to good. That would just be the little taste of what we all feel when we get hurt or heart broken. Especially datting scammers the net is flooding with them. But there is no piece or sympathy. They don't feel that. What more time I have just to write about this. Just consider taken it as part of a documentation of what goes on in life. Things happen in life .. People use people. But when you hook up with someone be sure you can trust before going all the way. Better safe than sorry right ? Be bound by your own conditions. terms and rules not theirs.