My Mom Had A Stroke on Friday / June 5th, 2015
My mom had a stroke on that period of time but it was very stressing for me and I was in shock and didn't know what was going on. I don't know the signs on a stroke but lucky for my mom that it was a mini stroke. It all start it in a restaurant. A burger king restaurant located in delhi on 5120 delhi ave. Earlier that day before it lead up to the strioke. My mom and me was downtown so she can take care of my apartment rent that goes through to court. After that we went on are way to delhi. We don't drive we take buses so we got off in front of burger king. My mom was fine all day untill the point which I'm getting to. She placed the order for are meal. She got 2 burgers with a coupon. I got a fish sandwich I ate that and I ate half the other burger that my mom had got with the coupon. My mom went up to get a refill on her soft drink. I was halfway through my burger sandwich until my mom sat down but not too long from when she did she then fell over torwards the window and couldn't hold her balance. My mom thought the table was slipping away from her so I checked the table to see but the table's leg was attached to the floor so I knew there had to be something wrong. I was asking my mom in repeatedly what's going on. My mom was getting mad at me and rasing her voice a little saying I don't know what's going on STOP ASKING ME THAT!!! I was getting scared but an old lady customer came up to the table asking my mom what's wrong than she went up to the counter where you place orders for your meals at to get help. So a lady who works in the restaurant came up to the table to let my mom know that she called 911 that the emergency is on their way. And WOW!!! The emergency doesn't waste anytime getting there ether. Although they where not that far from burger king they where up the street from it. The paramedics was checking my mom's blood from her finger with a little stick through it. And I think they did her blood presure too. The paramedics where assistanting for her to come with them. My wants to go get her rent for her apartment that still goes through the rental office. But the paramedics stiill asstanting for her to come with them. My mom was explaining that she has to take care of me but one of the paramedics telling my mom she doesn't go to the hospital she wont be here to take care of me. I was my self assistanting her to go too. She she finally decide to go. So the paramedics easily removed my mom from the seat on to the gurney. She was placed safely inside in back of the ambulance. My mom was concern about me wondering where I'm at so the paramedics told her that I was up in the front seat. The paramedic driver didn't sound the sirens yet which didn't occurred me right away until later when heading into what look like an expressway than one of the paramedics in the back told the driver it's ok to sound the sirens now. Which should had been sound from start from the restaurant. But anyway I stayed a night at the hospital because no one wouldn't call a taxi cab for me. A nurse said that they don't do that but didn't matter to me anyway I prefer to stay with my mom. But my older brother came to pick me up the next day. He doesn't drive ether and takes buses too. My mom though had they did an mri on my mom at the hospital to determine of the problem which did in fact turn out to be a stroke but lucky for my mom that it was a mini stroke. And for me lucky that my mom is still here. Not here in the building but alive and kicking. And I wanted to stay that way. As long as my mom keeps it cool and don't get upset everything is pretty much cool. stress is definitely not good. But all of what happen. Not just me but my mom too. Is not exactly how we expect to imagine spending are summer. I here in the building with my my older brother without my mom so what's wrong with that picture ? Well that's the picture there. Me and my brother is in it my mom isn't. She needs to be with her family not in a hospital or a nursing home. I didn't ask for that and my mom didn't ether. I know what everybody is thinking these things happen their undetectable. Yeah maybe your right they are but why my mom ? Why did this had to happen ? Is it something trying to take my mom away from me ? I wonder why it couldn't be me but I guess ether way it's meant to be. I'm a little more stronger than my mom and may be-able to fight it better and faster. But there's another thing though is the property manager in this building which I explain about her before. Her name is Regina Love. And she is a bat out of hell literally. Mean. Evil. And Cruel!!! And she doesn't care about explanations you have. The no good poor excuse you get from the veil witch is I'm the manager I do what what I want like that's supossed to be some sort of back off scary code or something. But with my attorney working on the case to keep my mom from being evicted that's a thrill and music to my ears to me. What's the music ? Ohhh .. Regina bitch throwing her fits. You know it will be something if the manager gets so piss she might just throw something through the rental office window breaking the glass. That will pretty much show that she is crazy and insane. But lots of other people in the building don't like the racist bitch anyway. Regina is a white hater abuser and a cat hater. And she'll make any excuse to get whites out of the building until she completely turns the whole building into a black building. For the recored though I'm not trying to sound racist here my self. I'm just telling the way I see fits. The whole building is just horrible but the ones who thinks is a great building is who lives filthy and don't keep clean. I try my best to keep my apartment clean I don't like it filthy. But I think I'll save all this for another post or something. this is supposed to be about my mom not the crazy so call manager if you can call her or should I say that it a manager or the building. Sorry!!! for not blogging about my mom on this. I so forgot about my blog with everything going on in my life. I seem to be posting everywhere else but here. I'll keep everybody posted if there's any changes with my mom. That's all I can tell you for now. Keep it real everybody. And stay safe. Later.