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Soon within 6 Months to Be Evicted, My Life in Fear May Come to An end Within that Period.


This is my first blog but it's not how I'm supposed to start it off like this.

It's suposed to start off happy and ends happy. Life supposed to be beautiful,

full of enjoyment, things to be looking forward to and more. But sadly my life

made come to a tragic fearful end. What things are happening now to come to this ?

Would you like to know ? well it so happens that I'm in a bad spot. Being purhaps

evicted for no particular reason. It all start it when the new property manager took

over in the management office. her name is (Regina Love) No defence or anything

but I'm not a racist but she is and the worst manager yet that has worked in that office.

The building is sick full of roaches, bed bugs god know's what else. And she's talking

about me ? Ok the issue is about my cat which I do not have any more because he sadly

past away by being put to sleep do to sickness and illness from diabetes. His name was

(Garfield) and he was a red cat. I admit he did some damage to the apartment after I been

in there for a while about 10 years give or take. But wasn't his fault me and my mom found

out after I had got my own place. He peed on most of all the carpet. He had a litter box but

it gets filled up fast and the manager says I let him go all over the place what a crock of shit she

obviously have no idea how deabetes works. it can happen the same way with a person in that

predicament situation. And on top of that they shouldn't never have carpet in none of the

apartments in the first place. The pk management is the ones that have the building but

stern hendy had the place first not pk and they are all a bunch no good liars. And trying to find ways to steal and get rich off the tenants. It's a bit to much on this post

and to much to go through but hope to keep update soon.

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